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Назва: Dynamics of the monetary sector of Ukraine during the war and its impact on the efficiency of the banking system
Автори: Dziamulych, Mykola
Krupka, Mykhailo
Stashchuk, Olena
Korobchuk, Tetiana
Mostovenko, Nataliia
Avramchuk, Lidiia
Chyzh, Nataliia
Tur, Oleksandr
Бібліографічний опис: Dziamulych M., Krupka M., Stashchuk O., Korobchuk T., Mostovenko N., Avramchuk L., Chyzh N., Tur O. Dynamics of the monetary sector of Ukraine during the war and its impact on the efficiency of the banking system. AD ALTA: Journal of Interdisciplinary Research. 2024. Vol. 14. Issue 1. P. 230 – 234.
Журнал/збірник: AD ALTA: Journal of Interdisciplinary Research
Випуск/№ : 1
Том: 14
Дата публікації: 2024
Дата внесення: 4-гру-2024
Видавництво: AD ALTA
Країна (код): CZ
JEL: G 18
E 52
Теми: foreign exchange market
financial instruments
banking sector
government bonds
Діапазон сторінок: 230-234
Короткий огляд (реферат): The article examines the dynamics of indicators of Ukraine’s monetary sector after the beginning of the war and determines its impact on the efficiency of the functioning of banking institutions. The peculiarities of the use of currency and financial instruments by commercial banks of Ukraine in the conditions of destabilization of the banking sector due to the destructive influence of Russian aggression are considered. The dynamics of bank clients’ transactions with foreign currency and the volume of interventions of the National Bank of Ukraine in the foreign exchange market since the beginning of the war were studied. The problems of commercial banks with attracting deposits to ensure the efficiency of operational activities are identified. An analysis of the dynamics of the index of rates for deposits of individuals, as well as the yield of bonds of the domestic state loan, as the main instruments for attracting funds in Ukraine’s financial market, was carried out.
URI (Уніфікований ідентифікатор ресурсу): https://evnuir.vnu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/25864
Тип вмісту: Article
Розташовується у зібраннях:Наукові роботи (FEU)

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