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dc.contributor.authorLipych, Liubov G.-
dc.contributor.authorIvashko, Olena A.-
dc.contributor.authorMostenets, Sergiy V.-
dc.identifier.citationLipych L. G., Ivashko O. A., Mostenets S. V. Approaches to profit and cost management system of households within national economy. Актуальні проблеми економіки, 2016. № 3 (177). С. 98-108uk_UK
dc.description.abstractThe paper presents the contemporary approaches to interpretation of profit and cost management system of households. The method of efficiency estimation for households profit and cost management is offered. An optimization model of profit and cost management system has been developed to increase their profits and enable further investment. The need for state support in developing the households of the investment type is grounded, viewed as an impetus that will enhance the investment capacity of populationuk_UK
dc.subjectprofit and cost managementuk_UK
dc.subjectinvestment potential of householdsuk_UK
dc.titleApproaches to profit and cost management system of households within national economyuk_UK
dc.citation.issue3 (177)-
dc.citation.journalTitleАктуальні проблеми економіки-
dc.contributor.affiliationLesya Ukrainka Eastern European National Universityuk_UK
dc.contributor.affiliationLesya Ukrainka Eastern European National Universityuk_UK
dc.contributor.affiliationLesya Ukrainka Eastern European National Universityuk_UK
Розташовується у зібраннях:Наукові роботи (FEU)

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