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dc.contributor.authorYushchyshyna, Larysa Oleksiivna-
dc.contributor.authorHulchak, Oleksandr Mykolaiovych-
dc.identifier.citationYushchyshyna L. O., Hulchak O. M. Logistical Component in the Activities of Small Enterprises. Innovative development of science, technology and education: the 12th International scientific and practical conference (August 29-31, 2024). Perfect Publishing, Vancouver, Canada. 2024. Р. 267-271.uk_UK
dc.description.abstractIn the current conditions of economic development, logistics is becoming a key factor in the success of small enterprises. Logistical processes affect the efficiency of operations, cost reduction, and the competitiveness of small enterprises. This paper explores the main aspects of the logistical component in the activities of small enterprises, emphasizing the optimization of logistics processes, supply chain management, and the integration of modern technologies. Based on an analysis of contemporary scientific literature and practical examples, the key challenges and opportunities in the logistics sphere for small enterprises are examined. Recommendations are proposed for enhancing the efficiency of logistics processes and ensuring the sustainable development of small enterprises in a competitive environment.uk_UK
dc.subjectsmall enterprisesuk_UK
dc.subjectsupply chain managementuk_UK
dc.subjectprocess optimizationuk_UK
dc.subjecttechnology integrationuk_UK
dc.subjecteconomic efficiencyuk_UK
dc.titleLogistical Component in the Activities of Small Enterprisesuk_UK
dc.typeConference Abstract-
dc.citation.conferenceInnovative development of Science, Technology and Education-
dc.contributor.affiliationLesya Ukrainka Volyn National Universityuk_UK
Розташовується у зібраннях:Наукові роботи (FEU)

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