Перегляд зібрання за групою - Теми green economy
Результати від 1 до 3 із 3
Тип | Дата випуску | Дата внесення | Назва | Автор(и) |
Book Chapter | жов-2024 | 14-січ-2025 | Inclusive labor market development through green economy and social responsibility | Tsymbaliuk, Iryna |
Book Chapter | 11-лис-2024 | 13-лют-2025 | Inclusive labor market development through green economy and social responsibility | Tsymbaliuk, Iryna O. |
Conference Abstract | 6-гру-2024 | 2-січ-2025 | Sustainable Post-War Recovery of Ukraine’s Regions and Green Economy: Challenges and Opportunities Amidst the Environmental Impacts of Military Actions | Karaim, Olha |