Перегляд зібрання за групою - Автори Korneliuk, Olga

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Результати від 1 до 8 із 8
ТипДата випускуДата внесенняНазваАвтор(и)
Master Thesis202422-лип-2024Charity Project Managment on the Example of the Child Support Plan Project for Children without Parental Care in Jiangxi Province: Implementation Status, Problems and countermeasuresHuang, Hailun
Book Chapter202427-гру-2024Circular Economy Business Models and Region’s Role in their ImplementationPavlikha, Nataliia; Antoniuk, Nataliia; Korneliuk, Olga
Master Thesis202422-лип-2024Environmental Projects Management (on the Example of the “Green Oasis” Urban Garden Project)Yu, Aihua
Article202022-чер-2022Features of forecasting modern stock market crisesKorneliuk, Olga; Khirova, Viktoria
Master Thesis202422-лип-2024Project Management for the Implementation of Resource-Saving TechnologiesDuan, Musen
Master Thesis202422-лип-2024Project Management of a Fast Food Network Creating (on the Example of the “Culinary Crossroads” Project)Zheng, Xiaoyan
Master Thesis202422-лип-2024Project Management of the Creation of an Online Platform for the Exchange and Sale of Used iItems “EcoChange Haven”Zhang, Xinyang
Conference Abstract15-тра-202327-жов-2023Розвиток циркулярної економіки регіону за допомогою інструментів транскордонного співробітництваКорнелюк, Ольга; Korneliuk, Olga