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Результати від 1 до 20 із 86  далі >
ТипДата випускуДата внесенняНазваАвтор(и)
Article202115-лип-2022A Contrastive Psycholinguistic Study of the British Emotional Concept 'Envy' and Ukrainian 'Zazdrist’': Particularities of Phraseological ObjectificationMizin, Kostiantyn; Slavova, Liudmyla; Petrov, Oleksandr
Article20201-чер-2021A Methodological Framework for the Interdisciplinary Literary Text AnalysisLabinska, Bohdana; Osovska, Iryna; Matiychuk, Oxana; Vyspinska, Nataliia
Article20201-чер-2021A Psycholinguistic Analysis of the First Ukrainian Syllabi on General and Special Methodology of Translation by Mykhailo Kalynovych and Mykola ZerovKolomiyets, Lada
Article202113-лип-2022A Psycholinguistic Cross-Cultural Study of the Concept 'Conflict' in India and UkraineGirnyk, Andriy; Krylova-Grek, Yuliya; Khan, Azizuddin
Article20201-чер-2021A Psychosemantic Study of Compensation Psychological Defense Mechanism in the Novice Military LeadersKhraban, Tetyana; Khraban, Ihor
Article20201-чер-2021Adaptation, Association, and Analogy: Triple A of the Translator’s Decision-MakingRebrii, Oleksandr; Demetska, Vladyslava
Article202031-тра-2021An Inherent Bond: External Visual Aid Has a Minor Effect on the Rate of Co-Speech GesturesJarbou, Samer Omar
Article202115-лип-2022Book Review. A New Contribution to the Treasury of Translation TheoryAndrienko, Tetiana; Shpeniuk, Iryna
Article202115-лип-2022Book Review. A New Insight into Theory of Conceptual MetaphorLechner, Ilona; Kordonets, Oleksandr
Article20201-чер-2021Book Review: Invaluable Contribution to the Treasury of Translation ScienceAndrienko, Tatiana
Article202111-лип-2022Border Crossings Through the Eyes of a Female Narrator: Concept Border in Laura Ingalls Wilder’s Literary DiscourseZaporozhets, Halyna; Stodolinska, Yuliya
Training program202124-тра-2022Business CommunicationsKukharyk, Viktoria
Master Thesis202422-лип-2024Charity Project Managment on the Example of the Child Support Plan Project for Children without Parental Care in Jiangxi Province: Implementation Status, Problems and countermeasuresHuang, Hailun
Article20219-лип-2022Childhood Trauma in Women and Fragmented Interview Narratives – Some Interdisciplinary Methodological and Clinical ImplicationsBifulco, Antonia
Bachelor Thesis202415-лип-2024Current Trends in Processes of Mergers and Acquisitions in the Global Business EnvironmentPotynska, Yana
Training programвер-20246-лют-2025Customs AffairsZelinska, Olena Z.
Training program202124-тра-2022Diplomatic Protocol and Business EtiquetteKukharyk, Viktoria
Training program202124-тра-2022Diplomatic Protocol and Business EtiquetteKukharyk, Viktoria
Article202031-тра-2021Emergence and Development of Wh-questions in Jordanian Arabic-speaking Children: A Longitudinal StudyHamdan, Jihad M.; Hamdan, Hady J.
Master Thesis202422-лип-2024Environmental Projects Management (on the Example of the “Green Oasis” Urban Garden Project)Yu, Aihua