Перегляд зібрання за групою - Журнали/збірники
- Laplage em Revista (International) 1
- Laplage in Journal 2
- Lingua Libera 1
- Manažérska informatika: vedecký časopis o informatike 1
- Mechanism of an Economic Regulation 1
- Medical Science of Ukraine 2
- Medical science of Ukraine / Медична наука України 1
- Medical Studies 1
- Mineralia Slovaca 1
- Modern Economics 2
- Molecules 2
- Na pograniczach kultur i narodów 1
- National Interest 5
- Neurophysiology 1
- Norwegian Journal of development of the International Science 1
- Notes in Current Biology 1
- Olimpicus 2
- Pedagogy and Psychology of Sport 2
- Physical Culture and Sport 1
- Physical culture and sport: scientific perspective 1